About me
Gernot is Cloud Consultant and Trainer at tecRacer. He is focusing on AWS, DevOps and serverless development.
- From EC2 to C6 - Clear Compliance Chaos with clear Customer Collaboration with MSSP
- Choosing solutions for container security on AWS.
- We like to move it move it - Serverless Lambda transport between development stages
- Changing of the Guards - GenAI pattern to Bedrock service
- RAG AI-LLM Databases on AWS: do not pay for oversized, go Serverless instead
- From fragile to formidable: How to detect, fix and prevent container vulnerabilities with Inspector and Docker Scout
- GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 2: Develop, Deploy and Test the RAG Backend with SAM&Postman
- GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 1
- Climb the (bed)rock with Python, Javascript and GO
- Stop LLM/GenAI hallucination fast: Serverless Kendra RAG with GO
- Custom runtime on Amazon Linux 2 - GO outperforms Node (3x) and Python (2x) with AWS Lambda Cold-start time
- The cuckoo egg testing lambda
- A new simple approach to diagram as code on AWS with CDK and D2
- The story of how an undocumented API call became an official one: List deleted secrets from AWS Secrets Manager with the CLI
- Building an AWS Lambda Telemetry API extension for direct logging to Grafana Loki
- Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 3: X-Ray vs Jaeger - Send Lambda traces with open telemetry
- Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 2: AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda vs X-Ray SDK
- Serverless Spy Vs Spy Chapter 1: X-ray
- 10 years and one month: speed up website hosting on AWS in four steps
- Find all Lambda-Runtimes in all Accounts: Multi Account Query with steampipe and TASFKAS (the AWS service formerly known as SSO *)
- Prepopulate Lambda Console Testevents without dirty manual work using Terraform
- New AWS Config Rules - LambdaLess and rust(y)
- About Optimizing for Speed: How to do complete AWS Security&Compliance Scans in 5 minutes
- Do you do Lambda Spaghetti?
- Enhance Lambda Security with new Amazon Inspector Vulnerability Management and prevent 'log4jgate'
- The CDK Book: The missing Go Code Examples
- Views of the Pyramids: From a monolithic Test process to a Serverless Test Automation with CodeBuild
- Cloud Driven Development Workshop@devopenspace
- Lambda Container Deployment with CDK: Using Arm based Lambda with GO
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2b - Unit, Integration and Application Test for Serverless Lambda Functions
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2a - Implement Unit, Integration and Application Test for CDK Infrastructure and an EC2 Web Server Application
- CIT - Build CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 1 - Terratest and the Integrated Integration
- Stay single - AWS SSO on the cli with distributed CodeCommit Repositories
- Easy going - programming AWS Resources with the CDK in GO
- CDK Lambda Deployment takes about a minute - how about sub second Function Code Deployment?
- Online Lehren und Lernen ein Erfahrungsaustausch mit Lehrenden und der AWS Usergroup Hannover Di 2. März 2021 15:00 - ca. 18:00
- (Prevent) Hacking into a CloudService - About security, ECS and terraform AWS UserGroup Hannover Online Meetup Feb, 4th 2021
- Using CloudFormation Modules for Serverless Standard Architecture
- Jump to the Cloud - Migration Immersion Day
- People perspective of cloud transformation
- Test driven development with AWS and golang
- AWS Certification Challenge - jetzt den CloudPractitioner machen!
- Start Guessing Capacity - Benchmark EC2 Instances
- Enforcing encryption standards on S3-objects
- CDK Speedster - fast Lambda deployment
- The CDK pipeline construct
- Spice up your Cloudformation Development life
- Bridging the terraform - CloudFormation gap
- Rotate your credentials and don't forget MFA
- The declarative vs imperative Infrastructure as Code discussion is flawed
- Three hurdles to skip before using the secure Instance Metadata Service V2
- AWS UserGroup Hannover AWS News September und Oktober
- Installationen für Alexa live Coding - Durchblick bei der neuen Alexa Presentation Language
- Defenders - caller based EC2 security with CDK
- More Tools - CDK Examples
- Getting around circular CloudFormation Dependencies: S3-Event-Lambda-Role
- The serverless kingslayer? - Migration from serverless to CDK
- CDK - under Construction - should we use it for the next project?
- tRick: simple network 2 - Geschwindigkeit
- tRick: simple network 3 - Diversity (polyglott), Tooling, Fazit
- The Same for everyone: Lambda Function *and* Code with the same language via AWS CDK
- tRick: simple network 1 - Abstraktion und LoC
- Serverless Blog Migration
- Lambda - breaking Update - testen Sie ihre Lambdas mit binären Bibliotheken *jetzt* auf Kompatibilität!
- Cloud Arbeiterbienen für die Build Pipeline - Jenkins mit dynamischen Verarbeitungsknoten über AWS Plugin
- Wer ist der Schnellste? Überblick über AWS Ressourcen mit Polyglot Programming.
- Spot the difference: Schnelle Ressourcenübersicht
- Die 300er Marke geknackt - die AWS Usergroup Hannover hat jetzt 302 Mitglieder!
- Mit allen verbunden Teil 2
- Mit allen verbunden Teil 1
- Erste Einblicke in CloudWatch Logs Insights
- Das alte Terminal kann weg!
- Amazon SageMaker ist mehr als Machine Learning in python - er kann auch Teaching in go
- Lass Uns Freunde Sein - Neptune Als Graphdatenbank
- Anpassen von Konfigurationsdateien mit Ausgabewerten von CloudFormation Stacks
- Clouds - einfaches Management von CloudFormation Templates
- Call Center Service "Amazon Connect" mit Lambda Integration - Alles möglich?
- Velocity for complex CloudFormation templates
- Velocity für komplexe CloudFormation-Templates
- Ausgesperrt! - Vorsicht bei S3 Berechtigung per Bucket policy