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From zero to net-zero

Energy transition acceleration towards climate neutrality powered by AWS

Enersis is a purpose-driven company that tackles one of the world’s greatest problems: climate change. Their software suite gaia provides tooling and insights to energy suppliers and grid operators, cities and entire regions as well as planning and consulting companies that are involved in energy transition.

gaia’s core is a digital twin of the real world, containing data and visualizations of the CO2 emissions of individual buildings, energy plants and other infrastructure. It allows for status quo analysis and reporting according to national standards in various countries, and has integrated project management capabilities to coordinate time, costs and stakeholders of the actions taken on the path to climate neutrality.

Read the entire Success Story

Enersis Suisse AG

Andreas Jaus, CIO, Bern

“Due to rapid growth in new customers and complex technical requirements for a digital twin, it was necessary to bring our gaia platform and the underlying cloud infrastructure to an automatable and scalable level. tecRacer supported us optimally in the project with know-how and understanding of our architecture requirements. The partnership with tecRacer was also an enrichment for our internal team, so that we can now also continue to work together in operations and benefit from their expertise.”

Enersis Suisse AG

Andreas Jaus, CIO, Bern

“Durch rasches Wachstum an Neukunden und komplexen technischen Anforderungen an einen digitalen Zwilling war es erforderlich, unsere gaia Plattform und die darunter liegende Cloud Infrastruktur auf ein automatisierbares und skalierbares Level zu bringen. tecRacer hat uns im Projekt mit Know-how und Verständnis für unsere Architektur-Anforderungen optimal unterstützt. Die partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit tecRacer war auch für unser internes Team eine Bereicherung, so dass wir nun auch im Betrieb weiter zusammenarbeiten und von der Expertise profitieren können.”

Enersis Suisse AG

Andreas Jaus, CIO, Bern

« Face à une croissance rapide de notre clientèle et à des exigences techniques pointues pour la mise en place d‘un jumeau numérique, il est devenu impératif d‘optimiser notre plateforme gaia et de la rendre, ainsi que l‘infrastructure cloud associée, totalement automatisable et évolutive. Dans ce contexte, tecRacer s‘est révélé être un partenaire inestimable, nous apportant son expertise et une parfaite compréhension de nos besoins en matière d‘architecture. Collaborer avec tecRacer a non seulement renforcé notre projet, mais a aussi enrichi nos compétences internes. Ainsi, nous sommes aujourd‘hui en mesure de poursuivre cette collaboration fructueuse et de profite continuellement de leur expertise. »

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    Bernd Zelba, Team Lead IT Development, Bielefeld
    “tecRacer has solved numerous issues and challenges for us since the beginning of the project. With the support of the MSP team, our system continues to evolve. The new automated deployment simplifies the whole thing for us immensely.”
  • StudierendenGesellschaft Witten/Herdecke e.V.

    Florian Berth, IT Project Lead, Witten:
    “With tecRacer‘s expertise, we are now also freer in terms of IT, in line with our philosophy: we can make the best possible use of the possibilities of the AWS cloud. At the same time, the new infrastructure costs us less of the money entrusted to us by the students.”
  • HZD – AWS Use Case: Document Translation – 2020

    Harms Becker, Division Manager K3 – Architecture, Products and Standards, Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung, Hünfeld:
    “tecRacer is a very competent service provider and a partner that helps us solve our challenges and implement our services.”
  • Decadia GmbH

    Nurhan Ates, Team Leader Development & Support, Essen
    “We have been focusing on digital offerings for a long time, but tecRacer has now built an AWS-based infrastructure that allows us to be on the road with even higher quality digital.”
  • Siemens Global Business Services

    Philip Hechtl, Head of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Service Management, Siemens GBS
    “The innovative strength and speed of Amazon Web Services (AWS) was an important decision criterion for us. The cost savings potential of up to 57 percent is enormous. tecRacer convinced us as a flexible and reliable partner with broad Amazon Connect knowledge.”

    Uwe Traschütz, Director Support & Wibu Operating Services, Karlsruhe:
    “We now have a secure AWS cloud solution from tecRacer that can also keep pace with our planned growth. In addition, tecRacer has transferred extensive knowledge to our team for handling the new system.”

    Johannes Nagl, CEO, Vienna
    “To enable us to concentrate on organizing our customers‘ social media management in an optimal and resource-saving way, tecRacer has moved our entire IT infrastructure to the cloud. We can rely on the long-standing experience in Amazon Web Services and have our own capacities free for our core business.”
  • HZD – AWS Use Case: The Echo Show Form Help – 2020

    Harms Becker, Division Manager K3 – Architecture, Products and Standards, Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung, Hünfeld
    “tecRacer is not only a very competent service provider, but also a partner that helps us solve our challenges and implement our services in a spirit of partnership.”
  • Kone GmbH – 2019

    Olaf von Perbandt, Program Manager, KONE GmbH, Hanover
    “The serverless architecture has enabled a faster project start and provided significant savings in infrastructure costs compared to running on virtual servers. The whole hardware procurement process has been eliminated. And we have backing from Group IT because of the forward-looking architecture.”
  • ÜberseeHub GmbH

    Andrea Klanke, Managing Director, and Dennis Wöltje, Managing Director, Bremen
    “tecRacer supported us well in enabling us to build the AWS infrastructure. The goal was for our team to be able to build, develop and operate the stages and the pipeline for deployment on their own. This allowed us to launch the go-live of our financial advice app MANNI – Dein Finanzcoach in a secure environment on the scheduled date.”