Articles tagged with "serverless"

Deploying the Serverless Framework to AWS from Azure DevOps

Introduction Recently I worked on a project with the Serverless Framework which I really like. I used it do define a serverless application for a customer that runs their workloads mostly on AWS but uses Azure DevOps to build and deploy resources. This came about because they were already building lots of .Net applications and are therefore used to VSTS, the former name of Azure DevOps. After recovering from the initial shock of having to use an Azure tool to deploy resources to AWS I gave it a chance (well, I didn’t really have a choice in the matter).

The serverless kingslayer? - Migration from serverless to CDK

The serverless kingslayer? - Migration from serverless to CDK Last day I have been at a customer and suggested using the CDK for Infrastructure as code. He responded with a huge yes. He has worked his way through the CDK Intro Workshop aws-cdk-examples/typescript at master · aws-samples/aws-cdk-examples · GitHub and wanted to use it. Then we discussed a lambda function. The customer was using the serverless framework - like most of the people.

Call Center Service "Amazon Connect" mit Lambda Integration - Alles möglich?

Call Center Service “Amazon Connect” mit Lambda Integration Connect ist der neue Service von AWS, in dem man einfach in der Cloud ein Call Center mit eigener Rufnummer erstellen kann. Mit einer grafischen Oberfläche kann man dann mit wenig Programmierkenntnissen eigene telefonische Abläufe erstellen, Anrufe auf S3 aufzeichnen, Statistik über Cloudwatch machen usw.. Alle telefonischen Agenten können vollständig mit einem Browser und Rechner ohne Telefonanschluss arbeiten. Hier stellen wir im Beispiel, vor wie Connect mit eigenen Lambda Funktionen zusammenarbeitet.