Articles tagged with "s3"

The case of the missing bucket notifications

The case of the missing bucket notifications A few days ago I was trying to do something quite simple. I wanted to send S3 Put-Events to multiple Lambda functions for processing. This is a pretty common pattern. To implement it you have to use an architecture such as the one you can see in the title image above. This is because S3 has a limit on the event handlers (notification targets) per event type of exactly one.

More Tools - CDK Examples

We need more CDK examples In this github repo we focus on examples for every day work. While there are some nice examples for the fancy stuff like fargate, ecs and so on in aws-cdk-examples/typescript at master · aws-samples/aws-cdk-examples · GitHub, i felt that basic examples where missing. So we created GitHub - tecracer/cdk-templates: Templates for aws cdk

Getting around circular CloudFormation Dependencies: S3-Event-Lambda-Role

Getting around circular CloudFormation dependencies Several posts complain about the inability of CloudFormation to apply a Lambda event function to an S3 Bucket with an dynamically generated name. The standard UseCase is an S3 Bucket with a Lambda event notification. In this special case the Bucket has a dynamically generated name. This cannot be done by pure CloudFormation! How to work around this circular depency? Let me show you an easy way:

Große Wolken - CloudFormation Makros

How to: CloudFormation Makro CloudFormation vermisst gegenüber Terraform einige Funktionen, die das Erstellen von Infrastruktur vereinfachen können. Das ist grundsätzlich korrekt, allerdings gibt es in CloudFormation die Möglichkeit, sich selber um den Einbau solcher Funktionen zu kümmern. Das geht mithilfe sogenannter CloudFormation Makros. CloudFormation Makros sind Funktionen, die wir per CloudFormation erstellen können und dann in weiteren CloudFormation Templates einbauen und verwenden können. Wir zeigen dies am Beispiel einer Count Funktion.

Managing multiple stages with Terraform

Managing multiple environments in Terraform Introduction I recently started learning Terraform. For those who haven’t encountered it: Terraform is in essence a framework to describe Infrastructure as code by Hashicorp. When I began doing that, I was struggling with the staging-concept of Terraform. I did my research and came upon numerous 1 articles and blogs that described ways to manage (multiple) environments or stages in Terraform2. Since I wasn’t really happy with the other solutions and there didn’t seem to be a canonical way to handle multiple environments, I decided to try and figure out my own solution.

Technische Details & Hintergründe zu den S3 Problemen am 28.2.2016 in Virginia

“At 9:37AM PST, an authorized S3 team member using an established playbook executed a command which was intended to remove a small number of servers for one of the S3 subsystems that is used by the S3 billing process. Unfortunately, one of the inputs to the command was entered incorrectly and a larger set of servers was removed than intended. The servers that were inadvertently removed supported two other S3 subsystems.

Ausgesperrt! - Vorsicht bei S3 Berechtigung per Bucket policy

AWS S3 bietet viele Möglichkeiten, den Zugriff zu regeln S3 Buckets bieten flexible Möglichkeiten, Daten abzulegen und den Zugriff auf diese Daten zu beschränken. Dies für den öffentlichen (Internet) und internen Gebrauch. Über die normalen Berechtigungen (Permissions) lassen sich Berechtigungen ganz grob für “list” (Anzeigen), “upload/delete” (Schreiben), “view permissions” (Berechtigungen sehen) sowie “edit permission” (Berechtigungen schreiben) einstellen. Das reicht für viele Fälle, manchmal braucht man aber eine feinere Berechtigungsverwaltung, der bucket policy.