Articles tagged with "level-100"

Going on an Industry Quest: Manufacturing and Auto

Using Industry Quest: Manufacturing and Auto you can learn about building IoT and factory management solutions in AWS. It’s a game that teaches you about real time monitoring, predictive maintenance, machine learning and data analytics. This blog gives an introduction to the game and covers my thoughts about its usefulness.

How To Hybrid! - Secure AWS Environment Service Access

As AWS Cloud adoption becomes more widespread throughout the industries, challenges arise how to govern IT resource usage and implement a coherent management for systems across on-premises and the AWS Cloud. This blog post gives insights in how the AWS offered Systems Manager capabilities could be extended from the cloud environment to your hybrid and on-premises environments.

Darf ich als deutscher Finanzdienstleister in die Cloud?

Viele Unternehmen und insbesondere solche in der Finanzbranche stellen sich die Frage, ob sie ihre IT oder Teile dieser überhaupt in die Cloud migrieren dürfen. Ja, die Cloud skaliert gut, sie schafft bessere Verfügbarkeit lokal wie global, sie fördert Agilität, erleichtert den Zugang zu neuen Technologien und kann in vielen Fällen auch Sicherheitsvorteile schaffen. Aber wie die rechtliche Situation bei einer Auslagerung an Public Cloud-Anbieter aussieht, steht nochmal auf einem anderen Blatt Papier.

How To Hybrid! - AWS Systems Manager Patch Management

As AWS Cloud adoption becomes more widespread throughout the industries, challenges arise how to govern IT resource usage and implement a coherent management for systems across on-premises and the AWS Cloud. This blog post gives insights in how the AWS offered Systems Manager capabilities could be extended from the cloud environment to your hybrid and on-premises environments.

Secure Backup Solution for OnPremises and Hybrid Environments

With current ransomware attacks it is important to have a reliable backup strategie in place. With Veeam Backup & Replication you are able to backup your on-premises and hybrid environments and extend your storage solution with AWS Cloud capabilities to increase capacity and archiving storage with AWS S3 service.

AWS Migration best practices - Agile vs. Waterfall?

Changes ahead The industry has changed a lot over the years, and we have seen in particular massive progress with endless resources that have failed to succeed. There is an abundance set of tools, of methodologies, tons of documented experiences but yet fundamentally the needle has not shifted. But how can this be? Shouldn’t we be much smarter in managing programs with all the tools and methodologies in hand? From V model, Prince 2, to Agile, to … ?