Articles tagged with "iam"

Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 3

When setting up a Jenkins build server on a physical machine, right-sizing can become a challenging task. Long idle times followed by high, irregular loads make it hard to predict the necessary hardware requirements. One solution to this problem is the deployment of a containerized Controller/Agent-based Jenkins setup and to offload workloads to dedicated, transient agents. This is the third post of a three-post series. In this series, I would like to show you how you can leverage AWS Fargate and Terraform to deploy a serverless as well as fault-tolerant, highly available, and scalable Jenkins Controller/Agent deployment pipeline.

Version Control your Database on AWS using Flyway

Proper version control is an essential part of a fast-paced, agile development approach and the foundation of CI/CD. Even though databases are an important aspect of nearly every application, database migrations, and schema evolutions are often not versioned and not integrated into the automation process. In this blog post, I would like to show you how you can leverage Flyway on AWS to version control your schema changes and automate your database migrations.

Secretless Terraform Deployments

When deploying AWS infrastructure via Terraform, the usage of long-term IAM credentials is often the go-to method. Even though convenient, long-term credentials and secrets can pose a serious security risk to your organization if leaked. This post will show you how you can leverage AWS IAM OpenID Connect identity providers in combination with GitHub Actions and identity federation to implement a secretless Terraform deployment pipeline…using Terraform.

Sneaky Injections - CloudFormation

During one of our recent AWS Security Reviews, I ran across an interesting technique that attackers can use to create a backdoor in AWS accounts. It works by using three S3 IAM actions, CloudFormation, and an administrator who is not careful enough. This vector is not new but still scary - and today, I will show you how to check your account for this risk and any previous compromises.

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Hidden EC2 Permissions

During some R&D for a new blog post, I experimented with IAM conditions in Trust Policies. Some small mistakes during this led to instances that have limited privileges according to the AWS Web Console and CLI. But in reality, they can work with administrative permissions for a few hours - unnoticed. Have I piqued your interest? Let’s see how to reproduce this effect then.