- VSCode Repository-Level Task Definitions
- Consistent Style Across Editors
- Managed Services der nächsten Generation
- AWSome Days 2017 mit tecRacer in Köln - München - Berlin - Hamburg - Stuttgart - Dortmund
- Citrix XenApp auf AWS GPU G2 EC2-Instanzen
- Citrix Netscaler auf AWS
- re:Invent 2016 Vorträge auf YouTube als CSV
- What Does it Mean to be a Next-Generation Managed Service Provider?
- Update unserer AWS Tools Liste
- tecRacer ist jetzt Trend Micro Deep Security Cloud Service Provider
- tecRacer ist bester AWS Consulting Partner des Jahres 2015
- tecRacer Vortrag bei der AWS Usergroup in Düsseldorf am 29.10.2015
- tecRacer ist jetzt auditierter AWS Managed Services Provider
- Unser AWS Buch-Projekt "Amazon Web Services in Action"
- tecRacer wurde von AWS mit der Managed Service Provider Kompetenz ausgezeichnet
- tecRacer jetzt auch in Duisburg
- tecRacer auf dem AWS Summit Berlin 2014
- The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Public Cloud Platforms, Q2 2013
- tecRacer ist Amazon AWS Authorized Training Partner
- tecRacer ist nun Amazon AWS Advanced Consulting Partner
- Amazon AWS Datapipe ist da ...
- Amazon AWS Services mit BETA Status
- Amazon AWS Developer Konferenz re:Invent in Las Vegas
- tecRacer und Amazon AWS Enterprise Cloud Computing Roadshow 2012 ... Resumee
- Amazon AWS Cloud besteht aus 454.400 Servern ...
- Amazon AWS Command Line Tools
- Willkommen beim AWS Blog
Amazon Msk
- Advanced API Gateway Throttling: Time-Based Adjustments, Budget Alerts, and WAF Configured with Terraform
- API Gateway and Lambda Throttling with Terraform: A Comprehensive Guide
- Adding Cognito Authentication to our Serverless Dash App
- Build a Serverless S3 Explorer with Dash
- Adding Basic Authentication to the Serverless Dash App
- Deploying a Serverless Dash App with AWS SAM and Lambda
- Serverless Cross-Account Microservices
- Serverless Swagger UI for AWS API Gateway
Application Discovery Service
- How the Application Load Balancer works
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2b - Unit, Integration and Application Test for Serverless Lambda Functions
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2a - Implement Unit, Integration and Application Test for CDK Infrastructure and an EC2 Web Server Application
- CIT - Build CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 1 - Terratest and the Integrated Integration
- R can not be pushed in Production - deprecated!
- How I spent a few hours using advanced technology to save $2
- Building Data Aggregation Pipelines using Apache Airflow and Athena
- Making the TPC-H dataset available in Athena using Airflow
- HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR in Athena when reading parquet files written by pandas
- Glue Crawlers don't correctly recognize Ion data - here's how you fix that
- Building QuickSight Datasets with CDK - Athena
- Solving Hive Partition Schema Mismatch Errors in Athena
- Automating Athena Queries with Python
- SQL Server 2019 Failover Cluster on EC2 – Lessons Learned
- Embedded Embeddings Database: Building a low cost serverless RAG solution
- Advanced API Gateway Throttling: Time-Based Adjustments, Budget Alerts, and WAF Configured with Terraform
- API Gateway and Lambda Throttling with Terraform: A Comprehensive Guide
- Comprehensive Guide to AWS AI/ML Services: The Ultimate Decision Maker’s Playbook
- Performance Boost: 10 Expert Tips for Optimizing Your Amazon OpenSearch Service Cluster (2024 Update)
- Why and How to Migrate from Solr to Amazon OpenSearch Service in 2024
- Regaining Amazon QuickSight SPICE capacity
- OpenSearch vs. Elasticsearch: Why OpenSearch is the Better Choice for AWS Users in 2024
- Amazon OpenSearch Backup and Restore: Strategies and Considerations
- Who-Is-RAG?
- Building a Cloud SIEM with AWS OpenSearch Security Analytics
- Enhancing CloudFront Security with Response Headers
- Mastering URL Redirections with AWS CloudFront Functions
- Building a low cost serverless Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) solution
- AWS Cost Management Made Easy: Build Your Own Calculator with the AWS Pricing API
- Decoupling Search Logic in Application Development with OpenSearch Templates and Aliases
- Creating an Alarm to Detect Usage of a Pending Deletion KMS Keys and AWS Secrets
- Creating Recommended Alarms for Amazon OpenSearch Service with Terraform
- An unsung hero of Amazon SageMaker: Local Mode
- Build a scalable IDS and IPS solution using Suricata and AWS Gateway Load Balancer
- Automated ECS deployments using AWS CodePipeline
- Find It Fast: Streamline Phone Number Searches with OpenSearch.
- Streamlined Kafka Schema Evolution in AWS using MSK and the Glue Schema Registry
- 🇩🇪 Verbesserung der deutschen Suche im Amazon OpenSearch Service
- Implementing SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service with KeyCloak
- Enhancing German Search in Amazon OpenSearch Service
- Centralized traffic filtering using AWS Network Firewall
- Harnessing the Power of Serverless PHP with Laravel Vapor
- Build Golden AMIs with Packer and AWS CodePipeline
- SAP HANA High Availability on AWS - How tecRacer helped secure cash register operations for Germany's leading department store chain
- Assigning EKS Namespaces to Node Groups
- Hybrid DNS resolution using Route 53 Endpoints
- Calculating AWS DocumentDB Storage I/Os
- EKS Backup with Velero
- Scaling Down EKS Clusters at night
- Using AWS Security Hub for EKS Security
- Multiple Site-to-Site VPN Connections in AWS Hub and Spoke Topology
- Out-of-Band Bootstrapping with Chef on AWS Systems Manager
- Performance Boost: 10 Expert Tips for Optimizing Your Amazon OpenSearch Service Cluster
- Querying Local Health Check URLs
- Replace Local Cronjobs with EventBridge/SSM
- Serverless Cross-Account Microservices
- AWS Access Management uncovered: Where do all those 403s come from?
- Build a Site-to-Site IPSec VPN with Public Encryption Domain
- Run Shell Scripts as Lambda
- Build Terraform CI/CD Pipelines using AWS CodePipeline
- Demystifying FinOps in Cloud Computing: A Paradigm Shift Towards Effective Financial Management
- Implementing SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service with OneLogin.
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 1
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 2
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 1
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 2
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 3
- Using AI to generate Terraform Code from actual AWS resources
- Safe Storage - CloudHSM and FSx for NetApp ONTAP (Part 2)
- Version Control your Database on AWS using Flyway
- Enhancing Security in Terraform with AWS Secrets Manager
- Secretless Terraform Deployments
- Open Policy Agent for AWS and Terraform
- Safe Storage - CloudHSM and FSx for NetApp ONTAP (Part 1)
- Serverless Swagger UI for AWS API Gateway
- Finding EBS Boot Volumes
- FSx for NetApp ONTAP Manageability Options
- Hardware TOTP for AWS: Reiner SCT tanJack Deluxe
- First Steps with Amazon Braket SDK
- Hardware TOTP for AWS: Molto-2
- FSx for ONTAP Backups
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Architecture
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - New Consulting Offer
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Solution Overview
- Logging Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
- Sneaky Injections - CloudFormation
- How To Hybrid! - Secure AWS Environment Service Access
- A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Hidden EC2 Permissions
- One Step Closer to IPv6
- NetApp DataSense on AWS
- Testing Terraform with InSpec (Part 2)
- Testing Terraform with InSpec (Part 1)
- Be Aware of EBS Direct APIs
- How To Hybrid! - AWS Systems Manager Patch Management
- CloudTrail Data Events
- Map out your IAM with PMapper
- Secure Backup Solution for OnPremises and Hybrid Environments
- Containers! Containers everywhere!
- Least Privilege - Semi-Automated
AWS Summit
Bell State
- Building QuickSight Datasets with CDK - Athena
- Use the CDK to trigger your Lambda function in sub-minute intervals
- Enhance Lambda Security with new Amazon Inspector Vulnerability Management and prevent 'log4jgate'
- The CDK Book: The missing Go Code Examples
- Views of the Pyramids: From a monolithic Test process to a Serverless Test Automation with CodeBuild
- Cloud Driven Development Workshop@devopenspace
- Lambda Container Deployment with CDK: Using Arm based Lambda with GO
- Building QuickSight Datasets with CDK - S3
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2b - Unit, Integration and Application Test for Serverless Lambda Functions
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2a - Implement Unit, Integration and Application Test for CDK Infrastructure and an EC2 Web Server Application
- CIT - Build CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 1 - Terratest and the Integrated Integration
- Implementing and deploying Custom Resources using CDK
- How boto3 impacts the cold start times of your Lambda functions
- Reliable Data Streaming on AWS
- Using CloudFormation Modules for Serverless Standard Architecture
- Consistent Style Across Editors
- How to deploy XWiki on AWS with One Click
- Start Guessing Capacity - Benchmark EC2 Instances
- Speed up Docker Image Building with the CDK
- Enforcing encryption standards on S3-objects
- Deployment Issues with Cross Stack Dependencies and the CDK
- CDK Speedster - fast Lambda deployment
- The CDK pipeline construct
- Bridging the terraform - CloudFormation gap
- Building a static website with Hugo and the CDK
- Building a Fargate-based container app with Cognito Authentication
- The declarative vs imperative Infrastructure as Code discussion is flawed
- Installationen für Alexa live Coding - Durchblick bei der neuen Alexa Presentation Language
- Defenders - caller based EC2 security with CDK
- More Tools - CDK Examples
- Getting around circular CloudFormation Dependencies: S3-Event-Lambda-Role
- The serverless kingslayer? - Migration from serverless to CDK
- CDK - under Construction - should we use it for the next project?
- The Same for everyone: Lambda Function *and* Code with the same language via AWS CDK
- tRick: simple network 1 - Abstraktion und LoC
Chat Gpt
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 1
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 2
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 3
- Deploying the Serverless Framework to AWS from Azure DevOps
- tRick: simple network 2 - Geschwindigkeit
- tRick: simple network 3 - Diversity (polyglott), Tooling, Fazit
- Managing multiple stages with Terraform
- tRick: simple network 1 - Abstraktion und LoC
- Cloud Arbeiterbienen für die Build Pipeline - Jenkins mit dynamischen Verarbeitungsknoten über AWS Plugin
- VSCode Repository-Level Task Definitions
- Stay single - AWS SSO on the cli with distributed CodeCommit Repositories
- Consistent Style Across Editors
- Filter mit AWS CLI - effizient und hilfreich
- Ausgesperrt! - Vorsicht bei S3 Berechtigung per Bucket policy
- 6 Tipps und Tricks für AWS Kommandozeilen Ninjas
- Amazon AWS Command Line Tools
- Import existing resources into an AWS CloudFormation Stack
- Using CloudFormation Modules for Serverless Standard Architecture
- Deployment Issues with Cross Stack Dependencies and the CDK
- CDK Speedster - fast Lambda deployment
- The CDK pipeline construct
- Spice up your Cloudformation Development life
- Bridging the terraform - CloudFormation gap
- Automating ACM Certificates with Serverless Framework
- More Tools - CDK Examples
- Getting around circular CloudFormation Dependencies: S3-Event-Lambda-Role
- Große Wolken - CloudFormation Makros
- The serverless kingslayer? - Migration from serverless to CDK
- CDK - under Construction - should we use it for the next project?
- tRick: simple network 2 - Geschwindigkeit
- tRick: simple network 3 - Diversity (polyglott), Tooling, Fazit
- tRick: simple network 1 - Abstraktion und LoC
- Einleitung zu tRick
- Anpassen von Konfigurationsdateien mit Ausgabewerten von CloudFormation Stacks
- Clouds - einfaches Management von CloudFormation Templates
- Velocity for complex CloudFormation templates
- Velocity für komplexe CloudFormation-Templates
- 10 Tipps für das Verwenden von Amazon AWS CloudFormation
- Which AWS Regions are Lambda@Edge functions executed in?
- Enhancing CloudFront Security with Response Headers
- Mastering URL Redirections with AWS CloudFront Functions
- Jump off the @Edge - CloudFront Functions
- 10 years and one month: speed up website hosting on AWS in four steps
- Building a static website with Hugo and the CDK
- Video HTTP Streaming mit Flash Media Server mit CloudFront
- Creating an Alarm to Detect Usage of a Pending Deletion KMS Keys and AWS Secrets
- Creating Recommended Alarms for Amazon OpenSearch Service with Terraform
- Building an AWS Lambda Telemetry API extension for direct logging to Grafana Loki
- Logging Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
- Analyzing CloudWatch Costs
- Erste Einblicke in CloudWatch Logs Insights
- CloudWatch Alarme über Slack empfangen
Cost Savings
Custom Resources
Data Analytics
Data Lake
Data Science
Deutsche Suche
- Enhancing CloudFront Security with Response Headers
- Mastering URL Redirections with AWS CloudFront Functions
- Building Lambda with Terraform
- Harnessing the Power of Serverless PHP with Laravel Vapor
- Using AWS mac1/mac2 Instances with Test Kitchen
- Dedicated Hosts with Test Kitchen
- VSCode Repository-Level Task Definitions
- Test-Kitchen on AWS (2022 edition)
- Airgapped Testing - VMware Edition
- Update your Style in Test Kitchen (Part 2)
- Third Party Platform Support for Chef
- Chef Technology Partner of the Year
- Consistent Style Across Editors
- Air-Gapped Compliance Scans with InSpec
- Deploying Custom Ohai Plugins
- Mocking data in Test Kitchen (Part 2)
- Mocking data in Test Kitchen
- Update your Style in Test Kitchen
- tecRacer is Chef Partner of the Year Financial Services
- Testing Physical Machines with kitchen-static (Part 2)
- Testing Physical Machines with kitchen-static
- Instant Clones with kitchen-vcenter
- Guest Operations and kitchen-vcenter
- Linked Clones with kitchen-vcenter
- The kitchen-vcenter Driver
- The kitchen-ec2 Driver
- More Tools - CDK Examples
- Getting around circular CloudFormation Dependencies: S3-Event-Lambda-Role
- tRick: simple network 2 - Geschwindigkeit
- tRick: simple network 3 - Diversity (polyglott), Tooling, Fazit
- Managing multiple stages with Terraform
- Building Lambda with terraform
- tRick: simple network 1 - Abstraktion und LoC
- Cloud Arbeiterbienen für die Build Pipeline - Jenkins mit dynamischen Verarbeitungsknoten über AWS Plugin
- Chef Cookbooks und Kitchen
Dhcp Option Sets
- An unsung hero of Amazon SageMaker: Local Mode
- Docker Architecture - Intel? ARM? both?
- Setting a proxy in the AWS Application Discovery Service Agentless Collector
- Hands on: Migrating from PostgreSQL to MySQL with the AWS Database Migration Service (DMS)
- R can not be pushed in Production - deprecated!
- How to accidentally create read-only DynamoDB items
- Streamlined Kafka Schema Evolution in AWS using MSK and the Glue Schema Registry
- Teaching boto3 to store floats and datetime objects in DynamoDB
- Serverless Cross-Account Microservices
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 1
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 2
- Implementing Pessimistic Locking with DynamoDB and Python
- Getting a near-real-time view of a DynamoDB stream with Python
- Getting started with testing DynamoDB code in Python
- Implementing accurate counters in DynamoDB using Python
- Deep Dive into DynamoDB streams and the Lambda integration
- Implementing optimistic locking in DynamoDB with Python
- Working with lists in DynamoDB
- Complexity costs: Read performance for nested DynamoDB items with different Lambda configurations
- Modelling a product catalog in DynamoDB
- DynamoDB in 15 minutes
- Why I had to update my mental model of DynamoDB streams
- SQL Server 2019 Failover Cluster on EC2 – Lessons Learned
- Import existing resources into an AWS CloudFormation Stack
- AWS Client VPN - Access your Virtual Private Cloud
- Hybrid DNS resolution using Route 53 Endpoints
- Multiple Site-to-Site VPN Connections in AWS Hub and Spoke Topology
- 4 ways to connect to your EC2 instance
- Serverless Cross-Account Microservices
- Build a Site-to-Site IPSec VPN with Public Encryption Domain
- Version Control your Database on AWS using Flyway
- Arm your GitHub Actions Runners using AWS Graviton
- Assessing compliance with AWS Audit Manager
- Start Guessing Capacity - Benchmark EC2 Instances
- Three hurdles to skip before using the secure Instance Metadata Service V2
- Defenders - caller based EC2 security with CDK
- Cloud Arbeiterbienen für die Build Pipeline - Jenkins mit dynamischen Verarbeitungsknoten über AWS Plugin
- Das alte Terminal kann weg!
- CloudWatch Alarme über Slack empfangen
- Interview: Kosten sparen mit AWS und ParkMyCloud
- Link Local-Addressen bei AWS
- SQLServer Optimierung auf AWS
- EC2 x1.32xlarge Instanzen mit 128 vCores und 1952 GB RAM
- AWS EC2 Performance Probleme und deren Lösung
- Windows Installations-Medien für EC2 als Snapshots
- Amazon AWS Cloud besteht aus 454.400 Servern ...
- Wie Instagram auf Basis von Amazon AWS skaliert ...
- Vorteile einer VPC für den Schutz von EC2-Instanzen
- Automated ECS deployments using AWS CodePipeline
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 1
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 2
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 3
- Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 3: X-Ray vs Jaeger - Send Lambda traces with open telemetry
- Containers! Containers everywhere!
- (Prevent) Hacking into a CloudService - About security, ECS and terraform AWS UserGroup Hannover Online Meetup Feb, 4th 2021
- Assigning EKS Namespaces to Node Groups
- EKS Backup with Velero
- Scaling Down EKS Clusters at night
- Using AWS Security Hub for EKS Security
- Don't kill it with iron! How many pods can I start on an EKS node?
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Architecture
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - New Consulting Offer
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Solution Overview
- Performance Boost: 10 Expert Tips for Optimizing Your Amazon OpenSearch Service Cluster (2024 Update)
- OpenSearch vs. Elasticsearch: Why OpenSearch is the Better Choice for AWS Users in 2024
- Performance Boost: 10 Expert Tips for Optimizing Your Amazon OpenSearch Service Cluster
- Implementing SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service with OneLogin.
- Why and How to Migrate from Solr to Amazon OpenSearch Service in 2024
- OpenSearch vs. Elasticsearch: Why OpenSearch is the Better Choice for AWS Users in 2024
- Amazon OpenSearch Backup and Restore: Strategies and Considerations
- Decoupling Search Logic in Application Development with OpenSearch Templates and Aliases
Enterprise Search
- Safe Storage - CloudHSM and FSx for NetApp ONTAP (Part 2)
- Safe Storage - CloudHSM and FSx for NetApp ONTAP (Part 1)
- FSx for NetApp ONTAP Manageability Options
- FSx for ONTAP Backups
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Architecture
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - New Consulting Offer
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Solution Overview
- Logging Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
- Speed up your Multi-Channel GenAI Solution - Tips from real projects
- Embedded Embeddings Database: Building a low cost serverless RAG solution
- Who-Is-RAG?
- Improving Accessibility by Generating Image-alt texts using GenAI
- Building a low cost serverless Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) solution
- Changing of the Guards - GenAI pattern to Bedrock service
- RAG AI-LLM Databases on AWS: do not pay for oversized, go Serverless instead
- GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 2: Develop, Deploy and Test the RAG Backend with SAM&Postman
- GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 1
- Climb the (bed)rock with Python, Javascript and GO
- Stop LLM/GenAI hallucination fast: Serverless Kendra RAG with GO
German Search
- Glue Crawlers: No GetObject, No Problem
- Glue Crawlers don't correctly recognize Ion data - here's how you fix that
- Working around Glue's habit of dropping unsuspecting columns
- Solving Hive Partition Schema Mismatch Errors in Athena
- Using PySpark and AWS Glue to analyze multi-line log files
- What I wish somebody had explained to me before I started to use AWS Glue
- GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 1
- Stop LLM/GenAI hallucination fast: Serverless Kendra RAG with GO
- Custom runtime on Amazon Linux 2 - GO outperforms Node (3x) and Python (2x) with AWS Lambda Cold-start time
- The story of how an undocumented API call became an official one: List deleted secrets from AWS Secrets Manager with the CLI
- Putting the database to sleep using Lambda - a Python developer's first contact with Golang
- The CDK Book: The missing Go Code Examples
- Views of the Pyramids: From a monolithic Test process to a Serverless Test Automation with CodeBuild
- Cloud Driven Development Workshop@devopenspace
- Lambda Container Deployment with CDK: Using Arm based Lambda with GO
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2b - Unit, Integration and Application Test for Serverless Lambda Functions
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2a - Implement Unit, Integration and Application Test for CDK Infrastructure and an EC2 Web Server Application
- CIT - Build CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 1 - Terratest and the Integrated Integration
- Easy going - programming AWS Resources with the CDK in GO
- CDK Lambda Deployment takes about a minute - how about sub second Function Code Deployment?
- Using CloudFormation Modules for Serverless Standard Architecture
- Test driven development with AWS and golang
- Consistent Style Across Editors
- Serverless Blog Migration
- Wer ist der Schnellste? Überblick über AWS Ressourcen mit Polyglot Programming.
- Amazon SageMaker ist mehr als Machine Learning in python - er kann auch Teaching in go
Hostname Resolution
- Building a Cloud SIEM with AWS OpenSearch Security Analytics
- Build a scalable IDS and IPS solution using Suricata and AWS Gateway Load Balancer
- Automated ECS deployments using AWS CodePipeline
- Building Lambda with Terraform
- Streamlined Kafka Schema Evolution in AWS using MSK and the Glue Schema Registry
- Centralized traffic filtering using AWS Network Firewall
- Build Golden AMIs with Packer and AWS CodePipeline
- Import existing resources into an AWS CloudFormation Stack
- Hybrid DNS resolution using Route 53 Endpoints
- Multiple Site-to-Site VPN Connections in AWS Hub and Spoke Topology
- Querying Local Health Check URLs
- Replace Local Cronjobs with EventBridge/SSM
- Serverless Cross-Account Microservices
- Build a Site-to-Site IPSec VPN with Public Encryption Domain
- Run Shell Scripts as Lambda
- Build Terraform CI/CD Pipelines using AWS CodePipeline
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 1
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 2
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 1
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 2
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 3
- Version Control your Database on AWS using Flyway
- Enhancing Security in Terraform with AWS Secrets Manager
- Secretless Terraform Deployments
- Open Policy Agent for AWS and Terraform
- Serverless Swagger UI for AWS API Gateway
- VSCode Repository-Level Task Definitions
- Testing Terraform with InSpec (Part 2)
- Testing Terraform with InSpec (Part 1)
- Consistent Style Across Editors
- The declarative vs imperative Infrastructure as Code discussion is flawed
- CDK - under Construction - should we use it for the next project?
- tRick: simple network 2 - Geschwindigkeit
- tRick: simple network 3 - Diversity (polyglott), Tooling, Fazit
- Managing multiple stages with Terraform
- The Same for everyone: Lambda Function *and* Code with the same language via AWS CDK
- Building Lambda with terraform
- tRick: simple network 1 - Abstraktion und LoC
- Einleitung zu tRick
- Streamlined Kafka Schema Evolution in AWS using MSK and the Glue Schema Registry
- AWS Access Management uncovered: Where do all those 403s come from?
- Advanced Credential Rotation for IAM Users with a Grace Period
- Build Terraform CI/CD Pipelines using AWS CodePipeline
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 1
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 2
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 1
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 2
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 3
- Version Control your Database on AWS using Flyway
- Secretless Terraform Deployments
- IAM Conditions - Force providing specific tags during resource creation
- Using Permission Boundaries to balance Security and Developer Productivity
- Sneaky Injections - CloudFormation
- A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Hidden EC2 Permissions
- IAM: What happens when you assume a role?
- Cross Account Resource Access - Invalid Principal in Policy
- AWS Setup: Secure Identity Foundation with Terraform
- Rotate your credentials and don't forget MFA
- Three hurdles to skip before using the secure Instance Metadata Service V2
- Ausgesperrt! - Vorsicht bei S3 Berechtigung per Bucket policy
- 6 Tipps und Tricks für AWS Kommandozeilen Ninjas
IAM Identity Center
- Which AWS Regions are Lambda@Edge functions executed in?
- Integrating HubSpot with AWS Lambda
- Advanced API Gateway Throttling: Time-Based Adjustments, Budget Alerts, and WAF Configured with Terraform
- API Gateway and Lambda Throttling with Terraform: A Comprehensive Guide
- Adding Cognito Authentication to our Serverless Dash App
- Build a Serverless S3 Explorer with Dash
- Adding Basic Authentication to the Serverless Dash App
- Building Lambda with Terraform
- Deploying a Serverless Dash App with AWS SAM and Lambda
- Streamlined Kafka Schema Evolution in AWS using MSK and the Glue Schema Registry
- Harnessing the Power of Serverless PHP with Laravel Vapor
- Stop LLM/GenAI hallucination fast: Serverless Kendra RAG with GO
- Custom runtime on Amazon Linux 2 - GO outperforms Node (3x) and Python (2x) with AWS Lambda Cold-start time
- Querying Local Health Check URLs
- Serverless Cross-Account Microservices
- Run Shell Scripts as Lambda
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 1
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 2
- Create issues in Jira from Security Hub findings
- Version Control your Database on AWS using Flyway
- Jump off the @Edge - CloudFront Functions
- Serverless Swagger UI for AWS API Gateway
- Building an AWS Lambda Telemetry API extension for direct logging to Grafana Loki
- Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 3: X-Ray vs Jaeger - Send Lambda traces with open telemetry
- Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 2: AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda vs X-Ray SDK
- Call SAP RFC Function Modules from AWS Lambda using the NW RFC SDK and Node.js
- Serverless Spy Vs Spy Chapter 1: X-ray
- Prepopulate Lambda Console Testevents without dirty manual work using Terraform
- Putting the database to sleep using Lambda - a Python developer's first contact with Golang
- Lambda Destinations can improve success- and error handling for asynchronous Lambda Functions
- Deep Dive into DynamoDB streams and the Lambda integration
- Do you do Lambda Spaghetti?
- Use the CDK to trigger your Lambda function in sub-minute intervals
- Lambda SQS Event Filters may delete your messages if you're not careful
- Enhance Lambda Security with new Amazon Inspector Vulnerability Management and prevent 'log4jgate'
- Simplify your code and save money with Lambda Event Filters
- The CDK Book: The missing Go Code Examples
- Views of the Pyramids: From a monolithic Test process to a Serverless Test Automation with CodeBuild
- Cloud Driven Development Workshop@devopenspace
- Lambda Container Deployment with CDK: Using Arm based Lambda with GO
- Implementing and deploying Custom Resources using CDK
- Complexity costs: Read performance for nested DynamoDB items with different Lambda configurations
- How boto3 impacts the cold start times of your Lambda functions
- Cross Account Resource Access - Invalid Principal in Policy
- The case of the missing bucket notifications
- Dissecting Serverless Stacks (IV)
- Dissecting Serverless Stacks (III)
- Dissecting Serverless Stacks (II)
- Dissecting Serverless Stacks (I)
- Ruby Layers with Serverless
- Ruby Lambdas with Serverless
- Automating ACM Certificates with Serverless Framework
- Amazon Connect und die kleine Mailbox…
- Große Wolken - CloudFormation Makros
- Automating Athena Queries with Python
- The Same for everyone: Lambda Function *and* Code with the same language via AWS CDK
- Building Lambda with terraform
- Lambda - breaking Update - testen Sie ihre Lambdas mit binären Bibliotheken *jetzt* auf Kompatibilität!
- Erste Einblicke in CloudWatch Logs Insights
- Call Center Service "Amazon Connect" mit Lambda Integration - Alles möglich?
- Comprehensive Guide to AWS AI/ML Services: The Ultimate Decision Maker’s Playbook
- Going on an Industry Quest: Manufacturing and Auto
- A new simple approach to diagram as code on AWS with CDK and D2
- How To Hybrid! - Secure AWS Environment Service Access
- Darf ich als deutscher Finanzdienstleister in die Cloud?
- How To Hybrid! - AWS Systems Manager Patch Management
- Secure Backup Solution for OnPremises and Hybrid Environments
- Online Lehren und Lernen ein Erfahrungsaustausch mit Lehrenden und der AWS Usergroup Hannover Di 2. März 2021 15:00 - ca. 18:00
- AWS Migration best practices - Agile vs. Waterfall?
- AWS Certification Challenge - jetzt den CloudPractitioner machen!
- SQL Server 2019 Failover Cluster on EC2 – Lessons Learned
- How I spent a few hours using advanced technology to save $2
- Advanced API Gateway Throttling: Time-Based Adjustments, Budget Alerts, and WAF Configured with Terraform
- API Gateway and Lambda Throttling with Terraform: A Comprehensive Guide
- Regaining Amazon QuickSight SPICE capacity
- OpenSearch vs. Elasticsearch: Why OpenSearch is the Better Choice for AWS Users in 2024
- Amazon OpenSearch Backup and Restore: Strategies and Considerations
- How to accidentally create read-only DynamoDB items
- Enhancing CloudFront Security with Response Headers
- Mastering URL Redirections with AWS CloudFront Functions
- AWS Cost Management Made Easy: Build Your Own Calculator with the AWS Pricing API
- Switching Identity Providers in the IAM Identity Center
- How to migrate data from Amazon EFS to Amazon S3 with AWS DataSync
- Introduction to SSO with the IAM Identity Center and Entra ID
- Hyperparameter Tuning with Ray 2.x and AWS Sagemaker
- RAG AI-LLM Databases on AWS: do not pay for oversized, go Serverless instead
- Reinforcement learning with Ray 2.x on Amazon SageMaker
- Harnessing the Power of Serverless PHP with Laravel Vapor
- The cuckoo egg testing lambda
- Simplifying SAP System Deployments with AWS Launch Wizard
- Amazon Pinpoint - How it works
- Docker Architecture - Intel? ARM? both?
- Serverless Swagger UI for AWS API Gateway
- Getting Started with QuickSight Analyses
- What are the folders in the S3 console?
- Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 3: X-Ray vs Jaeger - Send Lambda traces with open telemetry
- Hostname Resolution and DNS with SAP on AWS
- Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 2: AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda vs X-Ray SDK
- Serverless Spy Vs Spy Chapter 1: X-ray
- 10 years and one month: speed up website hosting on AWS in four steps
- On-Prem Airflow to MWAA
- Hardware TOTP for AWS: Reiner SCT tanJack Deluxe
- Hardware TOTP for AWS: Molto-2
- Managing volatile Terraform Deployments with AWS CodeBuild and Step Functions
- What is a Quantum Ledger Database?
- Enable Autocomplete for boto3 in VSCode
- Getting started with testing DynamoDB code in Python
- Putting the database to sleep using Lambda - a Python developer's first contact with Golang
- IAM Conditions - Force providing specific tags during resource creation
- Using Permission Boundaries to balance Security and Developer Productivity
- Introduction to MQTT and AWS IoT Core
- Scheduling dev.to posts with Honeycode
- Honeycode changed my mind about no-code
- Do you do Lambda Spaghetti?
- Building QuickSight Datasets with CDK - Athena
- How the Application Load Balancer works
- How ALIAS records can reduce initial load times for your website
- How To Hybrid! - Secure AWS Environment Service Access
- How do the AWS instances compare to commercially available graphic cards?
- Can AWS re:Post replace stackoverflow?
- Building QuickSight Datasets with CDK - S3
- How To Hybrid! - AWS Systems Manager Patch Management
- IAM: What happens when you assume a role?
- Containers! Containers everywhere!
- What I wish somebody had explained to me before I started to use AWS Glue
- Assessing compliance with AWS Audit Manager
- Easy going - programming AWS Resources with the CDK in GO
- Analyzing CloudWatch Costs
- Reliable Data Streaming on AWS
- Jump to the Cloud - Migration Immersion Day
- People perspective of cloud transformation
- How to deploy XWiki on AWS with One Click
- Spice up your Cloudformation Development life
- Which AWS Regions are Lambda@Edge functions executed in?
- Speed up your Multi-Channel GenAI Solution - Tips from real projects
- From EC2 to C6 - Clear Compliance Chaos with clear Customer Collaboration with MSSP
- Choosing solutions for container security on AWS.
- Embedded Embeddings Database: Building a low cost serverless RAG solution
- Why and How to Migrate from Solr to Amazon OpenSearch Service in 2024
- Building Data Aggregation Pipelines using Apache Airflow and Athena
- Making the TPC-H dataset available in Athena using Airflow
- Enabling Apache Airflow to copy large S3 objects
- We like to move it move it - Serverless Lambda transport between development stages
- You can't Opt-Out of Performance Tracking in the AWS Console
- Improving Accessibility by Generating Image-alt texts using GenAI
- Building a low cost serverless Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) solution
- Decoupling Search Logic in Application Development with OpenSearch Templates and Aliases
- Creating an Alarm to Detect Usage of a Pending Deletion KMS Keys and AWS Secrets
- Creating Recommended Alarms for Amazon OpenSearch Service with Terraform
- Changing of the Guards - GenAI pattern to Bedrock service
- An unsung hero of Amazon SageMaker: Local Mode
- Automating Cross-Account / Cross-Region Backups with AWS Backup in AWS Organizations
- Using undocumented AWS APIs with Python
- From fragile to formidable: How to detect, fix and prevent container vulnerabilities with Inspector and Docker Scout
- GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 2: Develop, Deploy and Test the RAG Backend with SAM&Postman
- GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 1
- Import existing resources into an AWS CloudFormation Stack
- Climb the (bed)rock with Python, Javascript and GO
- Stop LLM/GenAI hallucination fast: Serverless Kendra RAG with GO
- Handling Errors and Retries in StepFunctions
- HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR in Athena when reading parquet files written by pandas
- Custom runtime on Amazon Linux 2 - GO outperforms Node (3x) and Python (2x) with AWS Lambda Cold-start time
- AWS Access Management uncovered: Where do all those 403s come from?
- Advanced Credential Rotation for IAM Users with a Grace Period
- Push-Down-Predicates in Parquet and how to use them to reduce IOPS while reading from S3
- The beating heart of SQS - of Heartbeats and Watchdogs
- Introduction to asynchronous interactions with the AWS API in Python
- Call SAP RFC Function Modules from AWS Lambda using the NW RFC SDK and Node.js
- Implementing Pessimistic Locking with DynamoDB and Python
- Setting a proxy in the AWS Application Discovery Service Agentless Collector
- Glue Crawlers: No GetObject, No Problem
- Find all Lambda-Runtimes in all Accounts: Multi Account Query with steampipe and TASFKAS (the AWS service formerly known as SSO *)
- Prepopulate Lambda Console Testevents without dirty manual work using Terraform
- Waiting for things to happen and paginating responses with boto3
- New AWS Config Rules - LambdaLess and rust(y)
- Glue Crawlers don't correctly recognize Ion data - here's how you fix that
- What is Amazon Ion, and how can I read and write it in Python?
- Lambda Destinations can improve success- and error handling for asynchronous Lambda Functions
- About Optimizing for Speed: How to do complete AWS Security&Compliance Scans in 5 minutes
- Understanding Apache Airflow on AWS
- Implementing accurate counters in DynamoDB using Python
- Deep Dive into DynamoDB streams and the Lambda integration
- Working around Glue's habit of dropping unsuspecting columns
- Use the CDK to trigger your Lambda function in sub-minute intervals
- Solving Hive Partition Schema Mismatch Errors in Athena
- Lambda SQS Event Filters may delete your messages if you're not careful
- Enhance Lambda Security with new Amazon Inspector Vulnerability Management and prevent 'log4jgate'
- Simplify your code and save money with Lambda Event Filters
- The CDK Book: The missing Go Code Examples
- Views of the Pyramids: From a monolithic Test process to a Serverless Test Automation with CodeBuild
- Cloud Driven Development Workshop@devopenspace
- Lambda Container Deployment with CDK: Using Arm based Lambda with GO
- Implementing optimistic locking in DynamoDB with Python
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2b - Unit, Integration and Application Test for Serverless Lambda Functions
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2a - Implement Unit, Integration and Application Test for CDK Infrastructure and an EC2 Web Server Application
- CIT - Build CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 1 - Terratest and the Integrated Integration
- Implementing and deploying Custom Resources using CDK
- Stay single - AWS SSO on the cli with distributed CodeCommit Repositories
- Working with lists in DynamoDB
- Building a Serverless Webapp with Amplify and Quasar - Day 3
- CDK Lambda Deployment takes about a minute - how about sub second Function Code Deployment?
- Building a Serverless Webapp with Amplify and Quasar - Day 2
- Building a Serverless Webapp with Amplify and Quasar - Day 1
- Modelling a product catalog in DynamoDB
- DynamoDB in 15 minutes
- How boto3 impacts the cold start times of your Lambda functions
- (Prevent) Hacking into a CloudService - About security, ECS and terraform AWS UserGroup Hannover Online Meetup Feb, 4th 2021
- Hands on: Migrating from PostgreSQL to MySQL with the AWS Database Migration Service (DMS)
- Why I had to update my mental model of DynamoDB streams
- Using CloudFormation Modules for Serverless Standard Architecture
- Test driven development with AWS and golang
- Start Guessing Capacity - Benchmark EC2 Instances
- Speed up Docker Image Building with the CDK
- Enforcing encryption standards on S3-objects
- CDK Speedster - fast Lambda deployment
- The CDK pipeline construct
- AWS Setup: Secure Identity Foundation with Terraform
- S3 Cross Account Adventures
- Bridging the terraform - CloudFormation gap
- Rotate your credentials and don't forget MFA
- Integrating HubSpot with AWS Lambda
- Performance Boost: 10 Expert Tips for Optimizing Your Amazon OpenSearch Service Cluster (2024 Update)
- Building a Cloud SIEM with AWS OpenSearch Security Analytics
- Build a scalable IDS and IPS solution using Suricata and AWS Gateway Load Balancer
- Adding Cognito Authentication to our Serverless Dash App
- Build a Serverless S3 Explorer with Dash
- Automated ECS deployments using AWS CodePipeline
- Adding Basic Authentication to the Serverless Dash App
- Find It Fast: Streamline Phone Number Searches with OpenSearch.
- Deploying a Serverless Dash App with AWS SAM and Lambda
- Streamlined Kafka Schema Evolution in AWS using MSK and the Glue Schema Registry
- 🇩🇪 Verbesserung der deutschen Suche im Amazon OpenSearch Service
- Implementing SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service with KeyCloak
- Enhancing German Search in Amazon OpenSearch Service
- Centralized traffic filtering using AWS Network Firewall
- Build Golden AMIs with Packer and AWS CodePipeline
- Teaching boto3 to store floats and datetime objects in DynamoDB
- Hybrid DNS resolution using Route 53 Endpoints
- Multiple Site-to-Site VPN Connections in AWS Hub and Spoke Topology
- Performance Boost: 10 Expert Tips for Optimizing Your Amazon OpenSearch Service Cluster
- Serverless Cross-Account Microservices
- Build a Site-to-Site IPSec VPN with Public Encryption Domain
- Build Terraform CI/CD Pipelines using AWS CodePipeline
- Implementing SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service with OneLogin.
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 1
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 2
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 1
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 2
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 3
- Version Control your Database on AWS using Flyway
- Secretless Terraform Deployments
- Open Policy Agent for AWS and Terraform
- Building an AWS Lambda Telemetry API extension for direct logging to Grafana Loki
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Architecture
- Getting a near-real-time view of a DynamoDB stream with Python
- Logging Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
- Sneaky Injections - CloudFormation
- How to ingest MQTT data from VerneMQ into your Data Lake using IoT Core
- Using PySpark and AWS Glue to analyze multi-line log files
- Complexity costs: Read performance for nested DynamoDB items with different Lambda configurations
- Deployment Issues with Cross Stack Dependencies and the CDK
- Building a static website with Hugo and the CDK
- Building a Fargate-based container app with Cognito Authentication
- Embedded Embeddings Database: Building a low cost serverless RAG solution
- Improving Accessibility by Generating Image-alt texts using GenAI
- Building a low cost serverless Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) solution
- RAG AI-LLM Databases on AWS: do not pay for oversized, go Serverless instead
- GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 2: Develop, Deploy and Test the RAG Backend with SAM&Postman
- GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 1
- Climb the (bed)rock with Python, Javascript and GO
- Stop LLM/GenAI hallucination fast: Serverless Kendra RAG with GO
Load Balancer
- Embedded Embeddings Database: Building a low cost serverless RAG solution
- Building a low cost serverless Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) solution
- An unsung hero of Amazon SageMaker: Local Mode
- Hyperparameter Tuning with Ray 2.x and AWS Sagemaker
- Reinforcement learning with Ray 2.x on Amazon SageMaker
- Understanding Iterations in Ray RLlib
Managed Service Provider
Migration Hub
- Demystifying FinOps in Cloud Computing: A Paradigm Shift Towards Effective Financial Management
- FSx for NetApp ONTAP Manageability Options
- FSx for ONTAP Backups
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Architecture
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - New Consulting Offer
- Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Solution Overview
- Logging Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
- NetApp DataSense on AWS
- Performance Boost: 10 Expert Tips for Optimizing Your Amazon OpenSearch Service Cluster (2024 Update)
- Why and How to Migrate from Solr to Amazon OpenSearch Service in 2024
- OpenSearch vs. Elasticsearch: Why OpenSearch is the Better Choice for AWS Users in 2024
- Amazon OpenSearch Backup and Restore: Strategies and Considerations
- Who-Is-RAG?
- Building a Cloud SIEM with AWS OpenSearch Security Analytics
- Decoupling Search Logic in Application Development with OpenSearch Templates and Aliases
- Creating Recommended Alarms for Amazon OpenSearch Service with Terraform
- Find It Fast: Streamline Phone Number Searches with OpenSearch.
- 🇩🇪 Verbesserung der deutschen Suche im Amazon OpenSearch Service
- Implementing SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service with KeyCloak
- Enhancing German Search in Amazon OpenSearch Service
- Performance Boost: 10 Expert Tips for Optimizing Your Amazon OpenSearch Service Cluster
- Implementing SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service with OneLogin.
- Which AWS Regions are Lambda@Edge functions executed in?
- Integrating HubSpot with AWS Lambda
- Using undocumented AWS APIs with Python
- Adding Cognito Authentication to our Serverless Dash App
- Build a Serverless S3 Explorer with Dash
- Adding Basic Authentication to the Serverless Dash App
- Deploying a Serverless Dash App with AWS SAM and Lambda
- GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 1
- Teaching boto3 to store floats and datetime objects in DynamoDB
- Advanced Credential Rotation for IAM Users with a Grace Period
- Push-Down-Predicates in Parquet and how to use them to reduce IOPS while reading from S3
- The beating heart of SQS - of Heartbeats and Watchdogs
- Introduction to asynchronous interactions with the AWS API in Python
- Waiting for things to happen and paginating responses with boto3
- Enable Autocomplete for boto3 in VSCode
- Getting a near-real-time view of a DynamoDB stream with Python
- Getting started with testing DynamoDB code in Python
- What is Amazon Ion, and how can I read and write it in Python?
- Lambda Destinations can improve success- and error handling for asynchronous Lambda Functions
- Understanding Apache Airflow on AWS
- Implementing accurate counters in DynamoDB using Python
- Implementing optimistic locking in DynamoDB with Python
- What I wish somebody had explained to me before I started to use AWS Glue
- Working with lists in DynamoDB
- Complexity costs: Read performance for nested DynamoDB items with different Lambda configurations
- Modelling a product catalog in DynamoDB
- How boto3 impacts the cold start times of your Lambda functions
- Consistent Style Across Editors
- Deployment Issues with Cross Stack Dependencies and the CDK
- Building a static website with Hugo and the CDK
- Building a Fargate-based container app with Cognito Authentication
- Machine to Machine Authentication with Cognito and Serverless
- Automating Athena Queries with Python
- Wer ist der Schnellste? Überblick über AWS Ressourcen mit Polyglot Programming.
Quantum Computing
- Enabling Apache Airflow to copy large S3 objects
- How to migrate data from Amazon EFS to Amazon S3 with AWS DataSync
- Build a Serverless S3 Explorer with Dash
- Build Terraform CI/CD Pipelines using AWS CodePipeline
- Push-Down-Predicates in Parquet and how to use them to reduce IOPS while reading from S3
- Building an AWS Lambda Telemetry API extension for direct logging to Grafana Loki
- What are the folders in the S3 console?
- Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 3: X-Ray vs Jaeger - Send Lambda traces with open telemetry
- Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 2: AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda vs X-Ray SDK
- Serverless Spy Vs Spy Chapter 1: X-ray
- 10 years and one month: speed up website hosting on AWS in four steps
- Building QuickSight Datasets with CDK - S3
- Secure Backup Solution for OnPremises and Hybrid Environments
- Enforcing encryption standards on S3-objects
- S3 Cross Account Adventures
- Building a static website with Hugo and the CDK
- The case of the missing bucket notifications
- More Tools - CDK Examples
- Getting around circular CloudFormation Dependencies: S3-Event-Lambda-Role
- Große Wolken - CloudFormation Makros
- Managing multiple stages with Terraform
- Serverless Blog Migration
- Technische Details & Hintergründe zu den S3 Problemen am 28.2.2016 in Virginia
- Ausgesperrt! - Vorsicht bei S3 Berechtigung per Bucket policy
- 6 Tipps und Tricks für AWS Kommandozeilen Ninjas
- Verschlüsselung von Daten auf AWS S3
- Verschlüsselung von Daten auf AWS S3
- Embedded Embeddings Database: Building a low cost serverless RAG solution
- Building a low cost serverless Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) solution
- An unsung hero of Amazon SageMaker: Local Mode
- Hyperparameter Tuning with Ray 2.x and AWS Sagemaker
- Reinforcement learning with Ray 2.x on Amazon SageMaker
- Understanding Iterations in Ray RLlib
- Having fun @work: AWS GameDay
- Amazon SageMaker ist mehr als Machine Learning in python - er kann auch Teaching in go
- SAP HANA High Availability on AWS - How tecRacer helped secure cash register operations for Germany's leading department store chain
- Simplifying SAP System Deployments with AWS Launch Wizard
- Hostname Resolution and DNS with SAP on AWS
- Call SAP RFC Function Modules from AWS Lambda using the NW RFC SDK and Node.js
- Managing volatile Terraform Deployments with AWS CodeBuild and Step Functions
- Wir können nicht nur AWS sondern auch SAP Hana Cloud-Plattform
Sap Rfc
Secrets Manager
- From EC2 to C6 - Clear Compliance Chaos with clear Customer Collaboration with MSSP
- Choosing solutions for container security on AWS.
- Building a Cloud SIEM with AWS OpenSearch Security Analytics
- Creating an Alarm to Detect Usage of a Pending Deletion KMS Keys and AWS Secrets
- Build a scalable IDS and IPS solution using Suricata and AWS Gateway Load Balancer
- From fragile to formidable: How to detect, fix and prevent container vulnerabilities with Inspector and Docker Scout
- AWS Client VPN - Access your Virtual Private Cloud
- Using AWS Security Hub for EKS Security
- AWS Access Management uncovered: Where do all those 403s come from?
- Implementing SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service with OneLogin.
- Enhancing Security in Terraform with AWS Secrets Manager
- The story of how an undocumented API call became an official one: List deleted secrets from AWS Secrets Manager with the CLI
- Hardware TOTP for AWS: Reiner SCT tanJack Deluxe
- Hardware TOTP for AWS: Molto-2
- Find all Lambda-Runtimes in all Accounts: Multi Account Query with steampipe and TASFKAS (the AWS service formerly known as SSO *)
- New AWS Config Rules - LambdaLess and rust(y)
- About Optimizing for Speed: How to do complete AWS Security&Compliance Scans in 5 minutes
- Using Permission Boundaries to balance Security and Developer Productivity
- NetApp DataSense on AWS
- Darf ich als deutscher Finanzdienstleister in die Cloud?
- Testing Terraform with InSpec (Part 2)
- Testing Terraform with InSpec (Part 1)
- Be Aware of EBS Direct APIs
- CloudTrail Data Events
- Map out your IAM with PMapper
- Secure Backup Solution for OnPremises and Hybrid Environments
- Least Privilege - Semi-Automated
- Assessing compliance with AWS Audit Manager
- (Prevent) Hacking into a CloudService - About security, ECS and terraform AWS UserGroup Hannover Online Meetup Feb, 4th 2021
- Air-Gapped Compliance Scans with InSpec
- Rotate your credentials and don't forget MFA
- Three hurdles to skip before using the secure Instance Metadata Service V2
- Defenders - caller based EC2 security with CDK
- Verschlüsselung von Daten auf AWS S3
- Who-Is-RAG?
- We like to move it move it - Serverless Lambda transport between development stages
- Harnessing the Power of Serverless PHP with Laravel Vapor
- Stop LLM/GenAI hallucination fast: Serverless Kendra RAG with GO
- Custom runtime on Amazon Linux 2 - GO outperforms Node (3x) and Python (2x) with AWS Lambda Cold-start time
- Prepopulate Lambda Console Testevents without dirty manual work using Terraform
- Using CloudFormation Modules for Serverless Standard Architecture
- How to deploy XWiki on AWS with One Click
- Machine to Machine Authentication with Cognito and Serverless
- Dissecting Serverless Stacks (IV)
- Dissecting Serverless Stacks (III)
- Dissecting Serverless Stacks (II)
- Dissecting Serverless Stacks (I)
- Ruby Layers with Serverless
- Ruby Lambdas with Serverless
- Automating ACM Certificates with Serverless Framework
- Deploying the Serverless Framework to AWS from Azure DevOps
- The serverless kingslayer? - Migration from serverless to CDK
- Serverless Blog Migration
- Call Center Service "Amazon Connect" mit Lambda Integration - Alles möglich?
SQL Failover Cluster
Step Functions
- Building a Cloud SIEM with AWS OpenSearch Security Analytics
- Build a scalable IDS and IPS solution using Suricata and AWS Gateway Load Balancer
- Automated ECS deployments using AWS CodePipeline
- Building Lambda with Terraform
- Streamlined Kafka Schema Evolution in AWS using MSK and the Glue Schema Registry
- Centralized traffic filtering using AWS Network Firewall
- Build Golden AMIs with Packer and AWS CodePipeline
- Hybrid DNS resolution using Route 53 Endpoints
- Multiple Site-to-Site VPN Connections in AWS Hub and Spoke Topology
- Querying Local Health Check URLs
- Replace Local Cronjobs with EventBridge/SSM
- Serverless Cross-Account Microservices
- Advanced Credential Rotation for IAM Users with a Grace Period
- Build a Site-to-Site IPSec VPN with Public Encryption Domain
- Run Shell Scripts as Lambda
- Build Terraform CI/CD Pipelines using AWS CodePipeline
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 1
- Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 2
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 1
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 2
- Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 3
- Using AI to generate Terraform Code from actual AWS resources
- Streamline Security Group Maintenance in Terraform with Markdown Tables
- Visualize AWS Security Groups and Rules from Terraform State
- AWS announces Terraform Support for Service Catalog - is it any good?
- Version Control your Database on AWS using Flyway
- Enhancing Security in Terraform with AWS Secrets Manager
- Secretless Terraform Deployments
- Open Policy Agent for AWS and Terraform
- Serverless Swagger UI for AWS API Gateway
- Hostname Resolution and DNS with SAP on AWS
- Managing volatile Terraform Deployments with AWS CodeBuild and Step Functions
- Prepopulate Lambda Console Testevents without dirty manual work using Terraform
- Testing Terraform with InSpec (Part 2)
- Testing Terraform with InSpec (Part 1)
- Containers! Containers everywhere!
- Terraform OS Detection
- (Prevent) Hacking into a CloudService - About security, ECS and terraform AWS UserGroup Hannover Online Meetup Feb, 4th 2021
- Consistent Style Across Editors
- Spice up your Cloudformation Development life
- AWS Setup: Secure Identity Foundation with Terraform
- Bridging the terraform - CloudFormation gap
- The declarative vs imperative Infrastructure as Code discussion is flawed
- Managing multiple stages with Terraform
- Building Lambda with terraform
- Einleitung zu tRick
- Getting started with testing DynamoDB code in Python
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2b - Unit, Integration and Application Test for Serverless Lambda Functions
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2a - Implement Unit, Integration and Application Test for CDK Infrastructure and an EC2 Web Server Application
- CIT - Build CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 1 - Terratest and the Integrated Integration
- Test driven development with AWS and golang
Transit Gateway
Unreal Engine
- Centralized traffic filtering using AWS Network Firewall
- Hybrid DNS resolution using Route 53 Endpoints
- Multiple Site-to-Site VPN Connections in AWS Hub and Spoke Topology
- Serverless Cross-Account Microservices
- One Step Closer to IPv6
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2b - Unit, Integration and Application Test for Serverless Lambda Functions
- CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2a - Implement Unit, Integration and Application Test for CDK Infrastructure and an EC2 Web Server Application
- CIT - Build CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 1 - Terratest and the Integrated Integration
- Easy going - programming AWS Resources with the CDK in GO
- Default DNS-Server in AWS VPCs
- Vorteile einer VPC für den Schutz von EC2-Instanzen
- Serverless Cross-Account Microservices
- AWS Access Management uncovered: Where do all those 403s come from?
- Advanced Credential Rotation for IAM Users with a Grace Period
- Safe Storage - CloudHSM and FSx for NetApp ONTAP (Part 2)
- Safe Storage - CloudHSM and FSx for NetApp ONTAP (Part 1)
- Hardware TOTP for AWS: Reiner SCT tanJack Deluxe
- Hardware TOTP for AWS: Molto-2
- Find all Lambda-Runtimes in all Accounts: Multi Account Query with steampipe and TASFKAS (the AWS service formerly known as SSO *)
- About Optimizing for Speed: How to do complete AWS Security&Compliance Scans in 5 minutes
- IAM Conditions - Force providing specific tags during resource creation
- Using Permission Boundaries to balance Security and Developer Productivity
- Enforcing encryption standards on S3-objects
- Rotate your credentials and don't forget MFA