The kitchen-vcenter Driver

The kitchen-vcenter Driver While many companies already rely on some Cloud for all of their IT systems, bigger enterprise customers often have own data centers which consist of thousands of virtual machines. Under these circumstances, it is often not desirable to only test Chef cookbooks on AWS or Azure, but doing this in the real environment is a better idea. The kitchen-vcenter driver allows you to harness the power of your own IT systems.

The kitchen-ec2 Driver

The kitchen-ec2 Driver Within the Chef ecosystem, Test Kitchen is one of the most useful tools. It offers the possibility to quickly test cookbooks in different OS environments on machines with a limited lifetime. That way, you can check if your fancy recipes work the same on RedHat, Centos 6 and Ubuntu. As speed is king, this fast feedback motivates more for early testing and reduces the amount of bugs found in production.

Custom Resource Diffs in Chef

Custom Resource Diffs in Chef If you are writing custom resources regularly, you might have been annoyed by a general “diff” functionality in Chef. In this post we will work on some snippets to make this possible

Automating ACM Certificates with Serverless Framework

Automating ACM Certificate creation with the Serverless Framework Encryption is the basis for secure communication in our modern world. For most web applications this boils down to using HTTPS to encrypt traffic between the client and server. HTTPS or the underlying protocols TLS/SSL rely on Public Key Infrastructure and Encryption to establish the Authenticity of the communication partner. Authenticity in this context means that the client can be sure he is communicating with Google if they access https://google.

More Tools - CDK Examples

We need more CDK examples In this github repo we focus on examples for every day work. While there are some nice examples for the fancy stuff like fargate, ecs and so on in aws-cdk-examples/typescript at master · aws-samples/aws-cdk-examples · GitHub, i felt that basic examples where missing. So we created GitHub - tecracer/cdk-templates: Templates for aws cdk

Writing Chef Target Mode Resources

Writing Chef Target Mode Resources After my previous blog posts, you might be tempted to write your own Chef custom resources which are compatible with Target Mode. Luckily, this is very easy - so this will be a short one.

Amazon Connect und die kleine Mailbox…

Amazon Connect und die kleine Mailbox… Amazon Connect ist als veröffentlichter Service zwar noch relativ jung, aber definitiv nicht mehr in den Kinderschuhen. Das cloudbasierte Contact Center von Amazon etabliert sich zunehmend, was auch wir - nicht zuletzt über steigende Projektzahlen - feststellen können. Dabei besticht es unter anderem durch seine offene Plattform und hohe Integrierbarkeit. Was fehlt - ist eine Mailbox!