Recent Articles on the tecRacer AWS Blog

Reliable Data Streaming on AWS

Reliable Data Streaming on AWS We should agree that in our digital world streaming and especially data streaming becomes more and more important if it isn’t already. Besides performance/throughput and security for a data streaming system reliability is a major point to be considered.

Using CloudFormation Modules for Serverless Standard Architecture

Serverless - a Use Case for CloudFormation Modules? Let´s agree to “infrastructure as code” is a good thing. The next question is: What framework do you use? To compare the frameworks, we have the tRick-benchmark repository, where we model infrastructure with different frameworks. Here is a walk through how to use CloudFormation Modules. This should help you to compare the different frameworks.

Jump to the Cloud - Migration Immersion Day

Der Sprung in die Cloud - unterstützt durch unsere Migrationserfahrung. In diesem Video beschreiben wir den Weg zu erfolgreichen Migrationen in Richtung AWS. Wir geben einen Überblick über die Phasen des Migrationsprozesses: Assess Mobilize Migration & Modernization Dabei konzentrieren wir uns auf die gemeinsamen Herausforderungen im Migrationsprozess und deren Bewältigung. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir Werkzeuge und Methoden, die Ihnen helfen können, schneller zu migrieren und Sie in jeder Phase dieses Prozesses zu unterstützen. Die Aufzeichnung ist in deutscher Sprache. Speaker: Andreas Tschauner und Gernot Glawe Das Lab wird in einem separatem Video gezeigt. Die Fragerunde ist nicht Bestandteil des Videos.

People perspective of cloud transformation

The underestimated factor The underestimated human factor in migrations to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. You want to migrate (your IT) to the Cloud! This is not only a complex technical task. Let’s call it “SoftSkills”, “peopleware”, “social systems” - it’s all about people. Their thoughts, feelings and the resulting behaviour make a migration a success. Or not.

AWS Migration best practices - Agile vs. Waterfall?

Changes ahead The industry has changed a lot over the years, and we have seen in particular massive progress with endless resources that have failed to succeed. There is an abundance set of tools, of methodologies, tons of documented experiences but yet fundamentally the needle has not shifted. But how can this be? Shouldn’t we be much smarter in managing programs with all the tools and methodologies in hand? From V model, Prince 2, to Agile, to … ?

Test driven development with AWS and golang

Why Go? Go(lang) is a fast strongly typed language, which is a good fit for AWS lambda and other backend purposes. I am going to highlight some nice go features. Usually this leads to heated discussions about the “best” programming language…

Consistent Style Across Editors

Consistent Style Across Editors Sometimes, common themes occur if working on a project with multiple people and different development environments. One of the unexpected, time-consuming problems is related to editor configurations. But it is pretty easy to unify things, if you know where to look…

Air-Gapped Compliance Scans with InSpec

Chef InSpec offers the possibility to scan any type of device using community-authored compliance profiles. As InSpec needs to connect to the machines, networking and firewall rules make this task tricky in bigger environments. With the newly released train-awsssm plugin, this situation changes drastically. Read on, if you want to know how.