Recent Articles on the tecRacer AWS Blog

AWS Migration best practices - Agile vs. Waterfall?

Changes ahead The industry has changed a lot over the years, and we have seen in particular massive progress with endless resources that have failed to succeed. There is an abundance set of tools, of methodologies, tons of documented experiences but yet fundamentally the needle has not shifted. But how can this be? Shouldn’t we be much smarter in managing programs with all the tools and methodologies in hand? From V model, Prince 2, to Agile, to … ?

Test driven development with AWS and golang

Why Go? Go(lang) is a fast strongly typed language, which is a good fit for AWS lambda and other backend purposes. I am going to highlight some nice go features. Usually this leads to heated discussions about the “best” programming language…

Consistent Style Across Editors

Consistent Style Across Editors Sometimes, common themes occur if working on a project with multiple people and different development environments. One of the unexpected, time-consuming problems is related to editor configurations. But it is pretty easy to unify things, if you know where to look…

Air-Gapped Compliance Scans with InSpec

Chef InSpec offers the possibility to scan any type of device using community-authored compliance profiles. As InSpec needs to connect to the machines, networking and firewall rules make this task tricky in bigger environments. With the newly released train-awsssm plugin, this situation changes drastically. Read on, if you want to know how.

How to deploy XWiki on AWS with One Click

Deploy your selfhosted serverless XWiki now! There are many ways to get your own, truly private and selfhosted, wiki in the exciting cloud computing times. SaaS solutions exists and many OpenSource Software can be hosted on virtual machines or even hardware. But what is the best way to deploy such Wiki on your AWS Account? This blog post shows you how to operate a deployment of XWiki without harming any servers.

AWS Certification Challenge - jetzt den CloudPractitioner machen!

Get certified challenge - Ein Meetup der AWS User Group Hannover Wir haben uns entschieden, die User Group in Hannover wieder in deutscher Sprache zu halten. Daher dieser Post auch in Deutsch. The orga team of the AWS User Group Hannover (Malte&Me) decided to get back to german language in the user group, so this post is in german. Einladung Einstieg in die Zertifizierung zum AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: Wie geht das, Tipps, wie lernt man….

Start Guessing Capacity - Benchmark EC2 Instances

Stop guessing capacity! - Start calculating. If you migrate an older server to the AWS Cloud using EC2 instances, the prefered way is to start with a good guess and then rightsize with CloudWatch metric data. But sometimes you’ve got no clue, where to start. And: Did you think all AWS vCPUs are created equal? No, not at all. The compute power of different instance types is - yes - different.