Recent Articles on the tecRacer AWS Blog

Test-Kitchen on AWS (2022 edition)

Test-Kitchen is a tool to manage your test machine lifecycle, similar to HashiCorp Vagrant. While it has been developed with Chef in mind, it can be used with any development tool to test on new machines every time you change your code. As this tool continues to evolve and many examples are outdated, today I will give you some small snippets to reuse and get going quickly.

On-Prem Airflow to MWAA

Transforming large amounts of data into formats that help solve business problems is what data engineers excel at. A combination of Serverless tools such as Athena, StepFunctions, Lambda, or Glue can get the job done in many projects. However, some customers prefer to rely on Open-Source projects and tools to access more talent in the job market and be less reliant on a single cloud provider. Today, we’ll share a story of a modernization project that we did for a customer in the online marketing industry.

Implementing Pessimistic Locking with DynamoDB and Python

I will show you how to implement pessimistic locking using Python with DynamoDB as our backend. Before we start, we’ll review the basics and discuss some of the design criteria we’re looking for. In an earlier post, I outlined to you how to implement optimistic locking using DynamoDB. There, I explained some of the reasons why locking is useful and which issues it can prevent. If you’re unfamiliar with the topic, I suggest you check that one out first.

Hardware TOTP for AWS: Reiner SCT tanJack Deluxe

Even when safely storing your MFA tokens using the Token2 Molto-2 device, some things are not quite optimal. You have to use special Windows-only software to program new accounts, it is not PIN-protected, and things could be better in terms of usability. If you have a bit more of a budget, the Reiner SCT tanJack Deluxe might solve your problems. Let’s have a look at this device.

First Steps with Amazon Braket SDK

In this article, we will install and deploy a circuit with a Bell State using AWS Braket SDK. Some minimal knowledge requirements are expected from the reader, namely concepts such as: Qubit, Superposition, Quantum Logical Gates (and a bit of math by association), Bell State, Python and perhaps AWS CLI.