Articles in the category "chef"

Air-Gapped Compliance Scans with InSpec

Chef InSpec offers the possibility to scan any type of device using community-authored compliance profiles. As InSpec needs to connect to the machines, networking and firewall rules make this task tricky in bigger environments. With the newly released train-awsssm plugin, this situation changes drastically. Read on, if you want to know how.

Mocking data in Test Kitchen

The more complex your cookbooks, the bigger the need to supply some external information to your test machines. Passing specific attributes, values of databags or secrets for testing become necessary. We will go through these use cases and show how to mock the data in this post.

Update your Style in Test Kitchen

It is surprising how many resources on the Internet are carrying on outdated or deprecated information - the Chef ecosystem is no exception to this. While outdated style in Ruby files has been detected via cookstyle for a while, Test Kitchen files still have no sanity checks yet. Let’s see what changed in this short post.

The State of Target Mode in 2020

The State of Target Mode in 2020 After my blog series on the agentless use of Chef dubbed “Target Mode” between August and October 2019, it is time to review what happened since. Updated 14th October 2020

tecRacer is Chef Partner of the Year Financial Services

ChefConf Online started this year with a big announcement for us. We have received the Chef Hartman award as “Partner of the year Financial Services”! This special award goes to companies that drove successful customer outcomes, developed special solution expertise and leveraged Chef’s GTM to drive growth. It makes us proud to be part of the whole Chef world. Thank you Chef, thank you Barry for this award!