Cloud Driven Development Workshop@devopenspace

This is a live Blog from the workshop “Cloud Driven Development” on

Forget a lot of what you know about classic full-stack development. Together, we’ll dive into cloud-driven software development and build a sample serverless application in AWS.

This blog was build live during the workshop on November 2021. So it`s not a complete reference, just a few hints to test and deploy the infrastructure and the applications.


In three blocks, we’ll build code and infrastructure with unit and integration testing. Using CDK for AWS, we will build a two-tier application that exemplifies development, automated testing, and deployment. The focus is not on building a great application, but on overcoming the challenges of cloud development. The AWS CDK allows you to define AWS resources and application deployment using C#, F#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, TypeScript. I’ll be showing TypeScript and Go. However, you are welcome to use any of the other languages.

In the cloud, in addition to the deployment of the application itself, the automated creation of the infrastructure is added. This presents new challenges for development: How do I do automated testing and debugging?

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More CDK: A GitHub logo.

More IaC: A GitHub logo.

The Story

The user can copy files to a S3 Bucket. The name of the files will be written in a DynamoDB table with a Lambda function (Block 2). A fargate container reads the table and display the content (Block 3). The Application Load Balancer for the fargate container needs a VPC. This is build in Block 1.


You need an AWS User

So first step is the user creation


You may start with AdminAccess, but you should narrow the policies down to least privileges.


  • Tag, Review skip

  • Create User

  • Note Access Key, Secret Key

  • Success

Use the ACCESS_KEY_ID and the Secret to configure the AWS CLI

Configure AWS CLI Parameters

  • Create Access Key
  • aws configure --profile admin
  • always use the profile parameter with the AWS CLI


All code is stored in GitHub, so start with cloning.

git clone

Start with the CDK

All steps to start CDK are described in cdkworkshop

Don’t forget to bootstrap yout account (once) with cdk bootstrap.

Make sure to use V2 of the cdk.


npx cdk@v2.0.0-rc.29 ls --profile admin


Part 1 - a VPC

Show Unittest and Integration Test with a VPC example.

bg fit

Part 2 - Serverless

  • Unittest, Integration Test, CDK bg fit

Part 3 - Autoscaling Fargate Container Service

  • Unittest, Local Test bg fit


  • CDK - we use V2

Part 1 - VPC

  • See also

VPC - UnitTest

Assertion CFN (currently CDK V1)

2 of the cdk. cd vpc

2 of the cdk. npm i

2 of the cdk. npm run test

The test gives errors - try to fix them!

A black square against a gray background. fix test

VPC Integration Test

Do it yourself

go mod init vpc
vi main_test.go 
go mod tidy
go get

Use prepared

2 of the cdk. go test -v

A black square against a gray background. fix test

Before Deploy

go test
FATA[0000] Template vpc not found
exit status 1
FAIL	vpc	0.627s

Deploy VPC with installed CDK

2 of the cdk.cdk diff

2 of the cdk. cdk deploy

vpc: deploying...
[0%] start: Publishing d7bc...fc:current_account-current_region
[100%] success: Published d7...c:current_account-current_region
vpc: creating CloudFormation changeset...

 ✅  vpc

Stack ARN:

After deploy

2 of the cdk. cdk ls >stacks.csv

2 of the cdk. cdkstat

Name                             Status                           Description
----                             ------                           -----------
vpc                              CREATE_COMPLETE                  -

2 of the cdk. cdkstat vpc

Integration Test after deploy

Test, whether the VPC Resource is created.

2 of the cdk. go test -v

--- FAIL: TestVpcPro (0.59s)
        	Error Trace:	main_test.go:14
        	Error:      	Not equal:
        	            	expected: ""
        	            	actual  : ""
        	Test:       	TestVpcPro
exit status 1
FAIL	vpc	0.861s

Try to make test work!

A black square against a gray background. Fix test

Part 2 - Lambda

bg fit

See for different Lambda examples in several IAC frameworks

Lambda App

The Lambda Application itself.


from base

2 of the cdk. cd lambda/app


2 of the cdk. go test -v

A black square against a gray background. Fix test

Lambda Infrastructure

2 of the cdk. cd lambda/infra-ts

2 of the cdk. npm i

2 of the cdk. cdk ls

2 of the cdk. cdk diff

2 of the cdk. cdkstat

2 of the cdk. cdk deploy

2 App - Tests

A bullseye with an arrow.

  • Level 1 - call Lambda directly from console with json event
  • Level 2 - put object in S3 Bucket, which then calls Lambda
* build: 	build go
* fastdeploy: 	Deploy only lambda
* itest: 	call lambda with event
* itest2: 	put item on bucket lambda
* test: 	call go test

Call level 1 test with task itest

Call level 2 test with task itest2

Automated Test process

  1. Setup environment: Empty Table
  2. Show Table items
  3. Call Lambda
  4. Show Table items: Check that new items appear

Part 3 - Container

bg 75%

Build a simple container app, which just show the table items.

The Load Balancer routes requests to the running fargate container-

Container test

bg fit

  1. Unit Test the function locally
  2. Run Docker locally
  3. Run Docker in ECS Cluster

Container APP

Mocks (1)

Test AWS calls with local mocks.

2 of the cdk. go test -v

2 of the cdk. vi parameter_test.go

2 of the cdk. vi query_test.go

App - run

bg right

Local Server

2 of the cdk. go run main/main.go => http://localhost:8080/

Local Container

2 of the cdk. task docker-run

Copy local Application files

2 of the cdk. task build deploy

This copies the application files in the infrastructure directory

Container Infrastructure

bg right fit

Deploy the infrastructure

2 of the cdk. npm i

2 of the cdk. cdk ls

2 of the cdk. cdk diff

2 of the cdk. cdkstat

2 of the cdk. cdk deploy


Outline icon for a cogwheel. cd container/infra - cdk destroy

Outline icon for a cogwheel. cd lambda/infra-ts - cdk destroy

Outline icon for a cogwheel. cd vpc - cdk destroy

Cleanup in reverse order because of the dependencies of the stacks.

bg right fit

  • Loose Coupling with Parameter Store
  • Tight Coupling with Resources

Thanks for participation

Gernot Glawe The image shows an outline icon of a cog or gear. @megaproaktiv

Learn GO on AWS

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See the full source on github.



For discussion please contact me on twitter @megaproaktiv

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Want to know more about using AWS? - Meet my colleagues and me in an AWS training

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