Insider Story - Nadim Yonis

Who am I?

Hi, I am Nadim Yonis, 30 years old, and I was born in Germany. My father is from Ethiopia, who had the courage to change country for his studies and came to both USA and Germany and my mother is from Germany. For me and my brother our idol was always our father and whenever we visited his work place as kids we would run around the office with big eyes trying to take in as much as we could. We would then look at the server racks and navigate through the internet to find cheat codes for our video games and try them out back home ecstatically. We knew he did something with computers and this strange thing called email and servers. Back then I was sure and committed that I wanted to do something like my dad as well.

My first experience with a company was when I was here in Germany in school. The grandma of a friend of mine would own a mechanical engineering company where we always hung around somewhere there after school and play hide-and-seek between all these man-sized electrical machines or jump on a trampoline in front of the engineering department. Said company was family owned and was small to medium-sized. The thing that stood out for me was how organic and natural that company and management was operating. The grandma was leading the whole operation in one moment and in the next she would talk with us kids or prepare dinner for the whole family and friends. For her there was no line between work and private life rather just one organic whole. The level of agility I witnessed in her was astounding.

Now that I have presented you my idols let me fast-forward many years and look at how I came to tecRacer.

My experience with tecRacer

I got to tecRacer by tecRacer coming to me. Right before the Corona crisis I left my former company and was looking for something new, fresh and possibly more mature. That’s when tecRacer found me. I had some other offers from companies, but I can clearly remember how tecRacer’s recruiter said to me: We want you! This is a phrase I hardly ever got to hear before and somehow it got stuck in my head.

During the recruiting day what I noticed was the friendliness, relaxed, laid-back and down-to-earth attitude basically all tecRacer colleagues seemed to have. tecRacer also offers trainings for AWS cloud, and said attitude is probably a needed skill to have when holding trainings.

After accepting the offer the crisis started, and it was decided that the onboarding will happen remotely via remote conferences. Since I already started with some AWS experience and certificates I got into projects rather quickly.

All in all the feeling at tecRacer is like a home-coming. Being at the company feels like I’ve always been here and that’s why I mentioned my childhood memories from before. Because all these experiences apply here as well. tecRacer is family owned, a medium-sized company, and the level of agility and inclusiveness that I feel here is the same as back in the day. Working remotely automatically means to organize private and work related matters organically instead of mechanically. Working as a Consulant requires me to have balance above all things and to stay agile instead of following a strict line with no deviations. At the same time working on tasks requires a laser like focus from me to get things done as fast as possible. However, work never feels strange or forced but rather natural and organic.

Working as tecRacer

I had experienced many companies of varying maturity throughout my studies and afterwards. I witnessed companies of many sizes. The equanimity and spirit of research at universities and scientific institutions. The passion and organized chaos of start-ups. The settledness and balance of middle-sized companies. The stability and equanimity of larger companies. Being a Consultant I get to experience all of these expressions once again however now in the role of an observer, mentor and adviser. Having been in all kind of environments I can easily bring the best of all of these previous experiences into different situations inside each new company that I get to work with. tecRacer is not only consulting but also providing wholesome solutions to existing problems, which I would say makes tecRacer really stand out compared to other consulting companies. Competence, expertise, agility, collegiality and inclusiveness is not just something that is advertised here. It is something that is lived here at tecRacer.

If you are interested in learning more about us, we are always hiring:

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